After filing an automatic tax extension, there are several steps you can take to improve your financial position.
Tax Advice
Why business and personal finances should never mix
Separating business and personal finances is essential to build a small business. It helps business owners understand their position and manage their cash.
Incorporating A Business: Why And How To Do It
Incorporating A Business: Why And How To Do It
Out of Time for the Tax Return Deadline? The Pros and Cons of Filing an Extension
April tax deadline breathing down your neck? If you file a tax extension, you’ll have six more months to prepare. Here are the pros and cons.
Small Business Tax Deductions: 7 Deductions to Save Money
Keep that hard-earned money in your pocket with these small business tax deductions.
5 Business Tax Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make This Year
5 Business Tax Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make This Year
How to Qualify for Section 179 Tax Benefits
How to Qualify for Section 179 Tax Benefits
Section 179 Tax Deductions Become Permanent
Congress made the $500,000 Section 179 tax deduction extension permanent.