Business Owners Should Get On Board With Tablets, New Tech


A recent study found that in 2015, more tablets will be shipped than desktops and laptops combined. The study, conducted by Usablenet, found that 31 percent of tablet owners currently use these mobile devices to complete purchases online – by 2018, that number is expected to soar to 61 percent. As such, business owners need to focus on developing mobile friendly sites and adapting to the world of mobile technology to stay ahead of the competition.

By 2017, over 1 billion tablets will be in use, Usablenet reported. That’s more than five times the rate found in 2013, during which 233 million tablets were used to shop around the world. As a result, ecommerce via tablets is expected to soar from $114 billion in 2014 to $293 billion in 2018.

The study further found that 66 percent of tablet users research products before making an online purchase, 63 percent look through photos and watch video content online and 54 percent of users look at customer reviews before committing to a product or service. Furthermore, 63 percent of consumers look up store information online and check product prices, while 51 percent browse through sites and make wish lists for future purchases.

“It has become essential for executives at every level to understand the significance of tablets and how they influence the purchasing cycle and overall consumer engagement,” the report said.

Users consult their tablets at home, work and various other locations when on the go, the study found, granting businesses the opportunity to reach their target audience at any time of day.

In order to foster strong customer relationships and stay on track with tech trends, business owners can explore their equipment leasing options from lenders such as National Funding. The professionals at National Funding can help guide entrepreneurs to success through financial options that can help companies stay afloat.