5 Ways to Collaborate With Partner Businesses


In life as well as business, friends can make all the difference. The United Nations celebrates the International Day of Friendship on July 30. To honor this day, why not think of a few ways you can start collaborating with other businesses? Tapping into a partner business or network can help you solve problems, grow your customer base, overcome or avoid challenges, and even save resources.

Here are five ideas for collaborating with other businesses.

1. Host an Event

Plan an event with a partner business that combines both of your offerings. For example, a landscaping business and a nursery can unite to host gardening seminars for homeowners. Or a restaurant and a clothing boutique can team up to hold a lunchtime fashion show.

2. Cross-Promote

Partnering with other businesses can be as easy as handing out each other’s marketing literature. Put your friends’ business cards on your checkout area, or insert flyers into bags. You can also cross-promote on social media, or offer special discounts for each other’s customers.

3. Split a Booth

At a trade show or community event, share a space. This works well if your partner business complements your own. For example, a wedding photographer and an invitation printer could team up during a bridal show.

Two owners plan an event, a way of collaborating with other businesses

4. Sponsor a Contest

Create a contest where the prize is a product or service package from your two businesses. A hotel and a nearby spa could offer a weekend getaway package. Or a coffee shop and an office supply store could give away a remote worker survival kit.

5. Create an Ad

Advertising can be expensive, so share the cost by sharing the ad. For example, a snow removal service and an insulation installer could create a campaign about getting ready for winter. This type of partnership can go a long way for seasonal businesses trying to stay competitive before their busy time begins.

When it comes to pairing up with a partner business, remember that two heads are better than one.