Fun Summer Event Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

Fun Summer Event Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses


After obtaining a working capital loan to fund your new small business marketing campaign, you will be faced with many different choices for what techniques and strategies to incorporate. Now that the summer months are upon us, you might want to consider a few event marketing tactics to really step up your efforts and take advantage of the great weather.  These events are can be fun ways to market your business, in addition to social media and direct email campaigns that can run throughout the year.

However, before you jump into the event marketing, you should have a way to measure the return on investment. Business2Community recommended utilizing marketing attribution software to track and monitor the success, or lack thereof, at your events. These can assist you in maximizing attendance and tracking contact and lead information to ensure you’re maximizing ROI for these events.

Hold a sidewalk sale using mobile a point-of-service solution
Upset about having to spend all your time inside when it’s so nice outside? Take the store outdoors with a sidewalk or parking lot sale. Set up a few racks, shelves or tables and give passersby an up-close glimpse of your goods. This not only gives you a chance to enjoy the weather while it’s nice, but it also eliminates a barrier between you and potential customers by allowing you to engage and interact without them even having to enter your shop.

Plus, the rise of many different types of mobile point-of-service systems means you can make sure each transaction is logged and accounted for without having to lug around a cash register.

Host a customer appreciation party or event
Everyone loves a party. Consider scheduling an event and inviting all your current customers and business partners to join in the fun. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but it should reflect your business in some way, if possible.

Be sure to approach the event strategically. Spread the word on social media and email blasts. Set up metrics that you can track to ensure you’re obtaining a strong ROI for the event. For example, be sure to gather email addresses of participants so you can thank them for attending and add them to your mailing lists. Or use the event as a means to showcase a new product launch or even a rebranding and get direct customer feedback.

Partnering with noncompetitive local businesses can help alleviate the overall cost of the event. Best of all though, this can grant you access to cross-promotional channels that let you target new customers or more cost-effective vendors.

Hit the pavement and find the crowds
Sometimes you don’t have to host your own event to take advantage of a gathering of people. The warmer weather brings people out of their houses as they go to festivals, parks, beaches and other outdoor areas. Printing out flyers or even setting up a stand somewhere people are congregating can be a good chance to spread the word about your small business and gain new customers. Keep track of how many flyers were distributed and even set up a special landing page to track how many people visit your website after reading the information.  This can even potentially open up an entirely new segment of the market that you might be not have considered targeting in the past.

If you do decide to set up a stand somewhere outside a gathering, be sure to check with your local ordinances regarding any regulations that might cover this scenario.

Hand out stuff
Handing out branded freebies or samples of your product provides a quick and easy way to get your name out there. As noted by Intuit Quickbooks, giving away items – especially seasonal goods like a T-shirt or water bottle – can be a great route to raise brand recognition and increase your customer base. If you’re in the food industry, you can stand right outside the front door and pass out free samples. E-commerce stores can include a free gift with every online sale of a minimum amount.

Incorporating outdoor event marketing can provide several lucrative routes to not only grow your business but also take advantage of the weather while it’s nice out.
